Swallow Cave
She hiked up and over past a waterfall, past a large rock feature, past an ocean view. She kept going with her head mostly down, following the trail, following the signs for the Swallow Cave. She walked and walked and walked. She walked through the green ferns by the creek, and through the black burned stumps and the dried yellow leaves. The path twisted and turned and the whole time the chatter in her head was loud: did she take the right turn, is she on the right path, will she end up at her destination. She walked, and then walked some more. Then suddenly, she came to a fork in the road. The sign pointed “Swallow Cave to the left, 150m”. And so she turned left and continued walking. As she felt she was getting nearer, she lifted her head up and began noticing the trees and the birds whistling and hopping in the brush all around her. She noticed the sun poking its long limbs through the branches above her. And still she walked. She turned the corner and at last it became clear she had reached her destination. As her eyes took in the sight, a mix of emotions flooded through her all at once. In it was a hint of disappointment. She has seen this cave already, she passed by it right in the beginning. Closer now though, she peered into the darkness and could see things she could not see before. Her eyes glided over the dimples in the water-carved stone, her ears caught the water drip echoes within. She could see the path she walked up on on the other side of the creek. She took it all in. For a moment in time, she could see it all. For a moment in time, she felt a renewed sense of clarity. For a moment in time, all was quiet.